I start Day 1 of the A.I.M 4 Change blog by dedicating everything I do for the glory of God. My life has been saved by applying the doctrine and teachings of Jesus Christ to every area of my life and "its working" for my good (William Murphy, God Chaser Album). When I applied the knowledge with my whole heart in 2013, my life was turned upside down. I no longer quenched the leadership of the Holy Spirit which dwelled within me. At first I didn't understand the turbulence in my life, but as I continued to follow the strong convictions, I recognized that it was the Holy Spirit helping me and guiding me from self-destructive behaviors that kept my spirit in bondage and suppressed from understanding the truth that surrounded my life. I didn't understand how I could sit under the teachings at church and still be in bondage. It wasn't the church. It was me, and my disconnection from the spirit of God. The spirits that I had connected too and allowed to lead my life was part of my ignorance that caused spiritual blindness. I can't blame anyone, but myself. When I go boldly to the throne of God and he speaks, no one else but me is there and I have to account for the things that I see in my earth suit through making my request known to God by prayer and supplication. It was time for me to put away childish things and mature in the faith that was a gift given to me by God through Jesus Christ. This is the reason for this season for me along with the gift of business which God has shown me. We celebrate Christmas as the gift of giving, but what gifts are we given back to Christ who died for us and the world? I had a birthday this month (Happy Birthday to all December babies-12/3). I also have a marriage anniversary this month (Happy early anniversary to my husband-12-21), but the best gift is the breath of life. We know how excited people get when a new born baby has made its way into the world. It is a feeling that is forever remembered. This is why this is a December to Remember. Faith was my first spiritual gift that I had to use to birth what I see today. Faith was my shield and a weapon that guarded me, but I didn't even know how to use it until I went through my circumstances over the past nine years and the Holy Spirit taught me.
Once I pushed fear to the side and followed my faith, the Lord helped me walk through cycles of storms to purge, clean, and free me from ways that were not of him and would have stopped me from walking in the Kingdom of God. I wanted to jump into this blog and start empowering people on Nutrition, but God had a different plan for the first three weeks of the A.I.M 4 Change blog. He wanted me to start blogging Day 1 to Day 7 of creation in Genesis 1 and apply it to my life events so others can reflect on the gifts that they also have this season to offer the world that is encouraging, educational, empowering, equipping, engaging and most importantly life changing. The blogs will start as follows:
The Schedule of the Blogs
Week 1
12/13/2021 Genesis Day 1 through 7
Week 2
12/20/2021 Start blogging on the foundation, purpose and knowledge of the brand A.I.M
Week 3
12/27/2021 The A.I.M 4 Change at Nutrition
Week 4
1/3/2021 All about Nutrition until Bootcamp course launch on 1/22/2022
The blogging is leading to the 2022 bootcamp courses and books that will be launched. In 2022, I will be launching Health in the Spring, Fitness in the Summer and Wellness in the Fall. These 4 areas are my passion, but I teach it the way God showed it to me along with incorporating 31 years of experience that has provided me with an abundance of knowledge for sharing. I was forced to change because God was not going to allow me to lay down my life and just keep the knowledge to myself. When God speaks, transformation is the results.
Day 1 <> BE the Light
On Day 1, God didn't just create the light (Genesis 1:3) for it to shine on the earth and divide from darkness. He created the light for us to be a light in dark places that we find ourselves which is why the word of God is so powerful. We don't perish because we have a bible in our hand, we go to church and can quote scriptures. We are "destroyed for a lack of knowledge" (Hosea 4:6) that is given to us by God which has to be applied to our lives consistently. What causes our light to go dim and even go out? That is an A.I.M 4 Change assignment for you to engage. In life many things can smoother, cover, and blow out our light, but we have to keep the fire kindled at all times. How do you keep the fire going? We have to be like the 5 wise virgins in Matthew 25, and keep our oil filled so that our light won't go out. What light do you have that keeps going out or your just not sharing for whatever reason? Let it go because it is the key to healing your soul. The problems we have endured or will endure are the stepping stone that strengthens us to use as fuel to caste our light into darkness and expose what is hidden. When we "Be the Light", we shine wherever we go. We shine knowledge on a confusing situations. We shine faith where doubt exists. We shine power where the powerless have given up. We shine bright like a diamond. Don't just where the diamond ring, be the diamond that exchanges information and knowledge for a divine purpose that helps others shine. I had a entirely different blog to do today about diamonds, but God shifted my entire week of blogs December 12/12/21 at 1:06pm. I had three papers to write by 11:59am and one more week of class before we are on break, but I had to press forward to write the vision God showed me for this blog while completing my papers. The date 12/12/21 is significant, but as my story unveils throughout 2022, you will see why this date is significant. It represents placing an Re in front of any word you can think about that turns your situation around such as Rebirth, Reverse, Restoration, Renew, Regain, Revelation, Repent, Revive and the Rest goes on. I will capture the words for encouragement as they happen. Today it is Rebirth. I am resting in the vision that God gave to me and I am going to share it through blogs, books because it is in abundance until it overflows in every area of my life and that knowledge is what God has given me as my second spiritual gift to gain the wealth he promised in Deut. 8:18. My faith is in God who watered the seed of salvation and showed me the knowledge I needed to chart the right path for my life.
Website Links

While God was lifting me, I was writing. I have free ebooks for encouragement located at:
I give thanks to my husband, daughter, son, mom, dad, sister, brothers who had to put up with me and extended family members that's too many to name. I did do a previous blog for them on
Thank you to Spiritual Leaders, Songs, Inspirational Movies & Books, and Bible Gifts located at:
Now as I type, God revealed to me why he asked me to start with Day 1. Day 1 is my rebirth of his creation in my life. Over the past 9 years, I have been in a cocoon like a butterfly, a baby eagle in a nest, a pit like Joseph (Genesis 37:24), Lo Debar like Mephibosheth (2 Samuel 9:5), a place full of dry bones like Ezekiel in 37:1-14 that I thought would never end. I couldn't pull myself out of that place even when I tried. It was a spiritual battle that only God could elevate me. I continued to fall deeper into darkness, so I stayed there in my place of comfort but God watered the seed of salvation within me and began speaking to me when I was quiet, alone and isolated. I was at a place of void and emptiness like Genesis 1:2 which is how Day 1 started in Genesis. The earth was void and without form. When God said he knew me before I was formed in my mothers womb in Jeremiah 1:5, he did, but the date was hidden in time which for me was today. Although my birthday was December 3, 10 days after my birthday I am born again John 3:3 to serve God and his will for my life. To serve God, I had to die to my old life and what I served. I wasn't serving God. I was serving a form of godliness and denying the power of God as the Holy Spirit enlightened me through 2 Timothy 3:5 . I saw this vision on January 14, 2013, but it was spiritual and I only had the revelation in part. That was the date my journey in the spirit began, while walking through my wilderness experience. Today is the date that journey ends, but new life comes forth like Jesus brought Lazarus in John 11 forth from the dead. Prior to 2013, I was spiritual dead because I was operating from my flesh instead of the spoken word from God. God wasn't saying anything to me because I was serving the Kingdom of Darkness. I thank God for everyone whether

good or bad who has helped me to remove my bandages like Lazarus. We never get to our place of glory without others helping us to see the light. I give thanks to the Almighty God. I give thanks to the Lord, and the Holy Spirit for guidance.
The Word for Today
A.I.M 4 Change Reflection
We celebrate Christmas as the gift of given, but what gift are we given back to Christ who died for us and the world?
What light do you have that keeps going out or your just not sharing for whatever reason?
How do you keep the fire going?
What light have you been given to share to help others shine?
What causes your light to go dim and even go out?
The Holy Bible. (1611). King James Version online. Blue Letter Bible.
Images Credits
Blog cover and Rebirth images:
Thank you png:
Amp Jay. (n.d). William Murphy @NewBirth - "Its Working". [Video]. YouTube.
"All scriptures, images and references on this site and within the blog are for teaching and edification for the body of Christ in the Kingdom of God".