Day 3 <> A.I.M 4 Change Blog
Day 3 is the key and cornerstone of A.I.M 4 Change at Nutrition. Day 3 in Genesis is also when God allowed the waters to be gathered together in one place and the dry land appears in Genesis 1:9. We will use the bible as our framework to ensure that the framework and structure set up today in our lives are the same in heaven as on earth. It's okay if they’re not because the purpose of grace is so we are able to see and identify when we are out of alignment, and God gives us the grace to help us which is the divine purpose of the life of Jesus Christ. We want to receive the blessings because we have a relationship with Jesus Christ versus receiving a blessing then thanking God for it. We thank God for the blessings that he has already promised according to Genesis 12:1-3 that we connect to for the release. I remember these scriptures because they kept being revealed to me and they are the same numbers as my birth month and date 12/3 (December 3). There is a song also attached to the blessing that God pointed me to which is, “The Blessings of Abraham”. I am thanking God before

the blessings arrive knowing that when they show up it was from his riches for his glory. We are blessed to be a blessing and therefore we are aligned to the promise and we are in the promised land flowing with milk and honey (Exodus 3:17). This is our God, and His promises are still yes.
The Number 111
In the past, I have constantly seen the number 111 along with other numbers which I have discussed in my free e-book titled, “The End from the Beginning” located at I received the revelation at 1:40 am 12/14/2021 about the numbers 111. This is what God meant by the 111 which many have stopped at this point and profited from numerology instead of diving deeper to ask God to open our spiritual eyes, and I heard people who are not familiar state that the numbers that are being repeated are just a coincidence, demonic or witchcraft. I had to walk through the experience and ask God for myself instead of rely on people that didn't know. I even bought a numerology book and went to the website about numerology, but the answer was not there. If you don’t know God and how he operates, it’s easy to push consistent signs to the side, but for me, I followed them until an expected end which is now after I received the revelation. If I would have prophesied on the numbers during the times I saw them, it would have been in part and as we know the scripture is clear in 1 Corinthians 13:9 about operating in part. I have continuously seen the sequences since 2013 which is why I wrote the free e-book on the numbers on December 18, 2019, but did not finish it until October 26, 2021. In my situation, the number 111 refers to Genesis 1:11 which states, “And God said, Let the earth bring forth grass, the herb yielding seed, and the fruit tree yielding fruit after his kind, whose seed is in itself, upon the earth: and it was so” (KJV). God continuously connected me with this scripture for the framework of Nutrition

and for me to discover his divine intent for me today for the food that I choose to eat which is rooted in the foundation of what God said the original purpose of food is on the earth. I will dive into the history of food and its origin the week of 12/27/21 before the Bootcamp course starts in late January of 2022. When we stay within God's original purpose as he has shown in his word, the incurable cancer would have never been a diagnosis that I endured because my life would have aligned with God's word which would have given no room or open door for cancer in which I was diagnosed with on 11/11/2005. But nothing just happens. Everything happens for a divine purpose and a reason. It’s up to you to determine by God what that reason is for your life and his Will. Principalities in High Places There was a divine purpose in why England’s King James I wanted his people to have the new translation of the bible. It wasn't about the bible. It was about the knowledge of God that by faith would shift the mindsets of the people from the political-religious system to hearing God's voice. He also advanced the knowledge of the bible through religion and helped people understand the origin of world religions. I have also added other references that are great for historical content that I added in the reference below. There is so much information, but I selected some of them. As I walked through my nine-year struggle, the resources have helped me to understand and respect all beliefs and how they see the world or their god. The bible as we know was used in the 1600s to enslave our ancestors, but it is a tool today that frees our mind from bondage

so that we can walk in the true freedom that was intended for God’s people. The statue of liberty was a gift to the American’s as a sign of freedom, and liberation is sure to come like Jubilee. To be liberated in my experience means to be free spiritually, mentally and physically simultaneously just like God, Christ and the Holy Spirit operates simultaneously because they are one. It was also the future intent of the word of God and the spreading of the good news of the Gospel of Jesus Christ to free us from religion and the box it confines us too. It is by faith (Hebrews 11) that God responds to his people. When God speaks mobilization happens instantly and people shift. People get into formation like the military and execute the command from the Lord. We have seen this too many times throughout the bible with judges such as Samson, Barack, Deborah; King's such as Saul, David, and Solomon and even the Assyrian and Babylonian Kings were allowed to capture the southern kingdom of Israel in 722 B.C (NLT, 1996) and the southern kingdom of Judah in 586 B.C (NLT, 1996) because they didn't follow God's laws and they had become corrupted by the kings and the surrounding people. To know what God's laws are, we have to read the word of God even if reading the 365 plan which is great on the bible app on YouVersion is a start. The seed of the word that is planted brings forth a harvest in Christ to witness the truth and operate from the principality of heaven on earth and not the principality of darkness as described in Ephesians 6:11-18. This was what my life was shifted from in 2013 (Darkness) to 2021 (Light). I stopped operating in the principality of darkness and started to walk in the truth because I was being governed by a spirit that was not of the living God but posed as an image of God. This is why my emotions were out of balanced consistently. I didn't know God and out of ignorance was serving idols. I will reveal the process in my book titled, “My Faith in the Cross through Salvation: The 2 keys that unlocked the Kingdom of God” which will be released soon in 2022. Don't look at the things around you as they are. Look at how they operate according to God's word and you will know who is who and what their divine mission is on earth. Walking through the collapse and rebuild of my life these past 9 years, has helped me hear God's voice, write the vision and wait on it to come to pass because I am not the author and finisher of my faith, Christ is and he has commissioned me to tell my testimony through my foundation of my business Bevolution LLC while I coach and consult by using my talent, skills, and education to elevate my business within the structure and framework of the God’s spoken word. My business was filed in 2017 to serve the community and although the finances were not visible my faith was operating so my gifts could make room for me. My top spiritual gifts from God are Faith, Knowledge, and

Administration (Leadership). These areas helped me in self-development which I had to learn from the fruit of the spirit, temperance, and long-suffering through love (Galatians 5:22-23). It gives me joy and peace to walk according to God’s word. Some people compare temperance which is self-control through self-development with self-awareness or emotional intelligence which all are great for leadership roles, but it goes deeper than that. That is surface because when you become self-aware, you recognize all the spirits(emotions) that cause chaos and wonder how you couldn't see that before and you are thankful to God for Christ who opens blind eyes to reveal the truth because he saved us and sent us the Holy Spirit whom He promised in John 14:15-17.
Day 3 Words of the Day
The Promised Land
A.I.M 4 Change Reflection
1. What principalities do you operate from in the earth?
Genesis 1:11
Donald Lawrence (2009) The Blessing Of Abraham.
Ahy, S. (2013). In Plain View. Ellis Phelps. Stone Mountain, Ga.
Ajamu, K (2017). Think Black, The Manifesto. NextupCEO, Inc.
Brooks, G. (2009). Leadership According to 1 Corinthians 13. Forwarded by Dale Bronner. Gerald Brooks Ministries.
IMBD. (2011). Hidden Colors
King, M. (2012). A Gift of Love: Sermons from Strength to Love and Other Preachings. Forwarded by Rev. Raphael G. Warnock. Beacon Press; Boston, MA.
Jackson, J. (1985). Christianity Before Christ. American Atheist Press; Cranford, NJ.
Munroe, Dr. M. (2018). The Purpose & Power of the Holy Spirit. God's Government on Earth. Whitaker House; New Kensington, PA.
New Living Translation. (1996). Life Application Study Bible. Tyndale House Publishers, Inc; Wheaton, Ill.
Lloyd, M. (2019). Why the King James Bible of 1611 Remains the Most Popular Translation in History.
The Holy Bible. (1611). King James Version (KJV). Blue Letter Bible Online.
Ravi, A. (2021). The Origin of World Religions.
YouVersion. (n.d). LifeChurch.
Image Reference