This is day 28 of my fast and I heard the Lord say caste down the "spirit of rebellion" which is operating in your close reach. I am uprooting the foundation of why hundreds of spirits have given birth since Genesis. The root of most of the spirits that are running around are powered by eating from the tree of good and evil which God asked Adam and Eve not to eat (Genesis 2:17). Its time to uproot that spirit of rebellion from our land. The spirit of rebellion can bring a form of godliness like religion operated by the power of man, so it does not obey God. They do not allow the Holy Spirit to guide them into God's divine order. Religion brings other titles of leadership under its belt in order to bind people’s soul so they are unable to serve the Almighty God or confess Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. They operate out of a form of God (copy, duplicate) instead of the image of God led by Christ through the guidance of the Holy Spirit. They are not authentic, but they can appear to be based on acts. They are the powers and forces in high places that block the work of God (Ephesians 6:12). The very elect can be fooled by them (Matthew 24:24). The spirit of rebellion has given birth to sin and the root of rebellion began in the garden with the serpent and the forbidden fruit over 2,020 years ago. I bind the spirit of rebellion in the name of Jesus that have given birth to the many fruits of deception. I uproot it from the foundation so God’s people can be healed in the name of Jesus. I
break the curse that started from the foundation of Eve eating from the tree of good and evil which resulted to us not having access to the tree of life until Jesus Christ came into the earth (Genesis 3:15). Remove these spirits from our land so your people can have access to the tree of life. Rebellion traps people within their sin in order to elevate themselves through power, control, manipulation, pride and lust. The bible is not a reflection to them, but a weapon to keep God's people in bondage. They are blind and they lead others into blindness because they do not want to see them enter into God's Kingdom. This is not God’s will for his people. Give people the opportunity to choose whom they will serve (Joshua 24:14-15). Do not bring innocent people into the sin you have chosen for your life. I ask God to expose these individuals and bind the spirit of rebellion that is operating in our home in the name of a father, mother, husband, wife, in the name of religion, and in the name of leadership. These are spirits against Christ because they have chosen their fate.
Religion is the form of God and denying his power. People that do not believe in Christ are those that have refused to do what God has said in the bible and have many spirits dwelling in them like legion (Mark 5:1-20,Luke 8:26-39). Those that believe their money, fame, looks, fortune, house, car, clothes, shoes, business deals, and lifestyle will save them have believed the lie, and I pray that God opens their eyes and show them the image that the enemy painted for them so they can flee and turn to Jesus Christ for salvation. I pray that God provides a divine strategy to his will for your life.
The opportunities will not come forth in until you fully disconnect from the binding spirit. I pray for the hand of God to be seen on earth. God has to do it. I can’t. I pray for God’s will in my life and others because its already done.
These spirits lurk around for its next victim if not exposed. I call the root out and release the angels to bind them for the harvest. Jesus has to harvest the souls for the Kingdom of God to land. Clear the runway angels for God's landing.