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Thank you to Everyone within My 8 Mountains

Updated: Apr 15, 2020

Today, I would like to thank the 7th out of the 10 people during this Season of Passover. The 7th group of people are everyone within the 8 mountains I had to endure and overcome by the blood of the lamb and my testimony. There were times in my life that I couldn’t see the forest for the trees. I never understood this saying until now. I must see the big picture of situations to understand and grasp what is happening in my life. If I could see everything God is doing, I wouldn't have a reason to trust him. I would be trusting in my own strength in every area instead of surrendering to his Will for my life. God made us in his image, but through my obedience he had to become my ultimate source that guided me through my life when I hit rock bottom. God allowed my eyes to be closed during my walk with him because I wouldn’t place my trust in him if I knew everything that would happen in my life. If I did not wait on God, I would know in part like the scripture states in 1 Corinthians 13:12, “Now we see things imperfectly, like puzzling reflections in a mirror, but then we will see everything with perfect clarity. All that I know now is partial and incomplete, but then I will know everything completely, just as God now knows me completely." (NLT). So, I had to wait on the Lord to open my eyes to receive the assignment in full for seven years that was meant for me. If not, I would have been unauthorized by Jesus Christ to write the living water that is flowing through me at this appointed time. I thank God for the mountains I have endured because they led me to my cross to walk the narrow path with Christ. When I looked back on my life, I could see God’s back and he showed me the forest that I was running through to get to the unknown that he had for me.

My Stairway to Heaven

These are areas where many people were involved that I can’t name them all, but they can recognized how they helped me achieve God’s vision and mission for my life, and I am thankful for them. We have all crossed paths for a season, reason, destiny and a lesson for a diamond exchange. Through our own abilities to shine, we have inspired, encouraged, taught or motivated God’s people to elevate wherever they are in life with special attention to people that don’t have or are poor for whatever reason. “Blessed are the poor in spirit, For theirs is the kingdom of heaven" (NKJV). This is the spirit of God’s agape love. When we rise to the positions God has ordained for our lives, we are to reach back and help others do the same if they are willing. This is what people within these eight areas did for me whether I was in a struggle or not. I am grateful to the 8 platforms that I also call mountains that led me to Christ. These were God’s platforms. I had to transform my mind daily to receive God's word. I had to run the race that was set before me in the eight platforms that God presented. I had to play my own hand. I view these 8 steps as stairways to heaven like the song “Climbing the Stairway to Heaven” by the O’jays. Everyone’s story is different, but our destination is the same. Our spirit returns back to God. My stairway to heaven is an overview of cycles and mountains that I had to overcome to see the truth in Jesus Christ. I am thankful for each step because through the good and bad, my steps were ordered. Many steps I had to repeat until I got it right in accordance to the Lord.

#1 Family Mountain

I didn’t know the importance of family until I went through my own trials and tribulations. I was able to look back and not judge what I saw in the past but learned to build from what was not present. Through going to school and receiving degrees, I thought these were one of my biggest accomplishment. It wasn’t. Understanding the divine purpose of family from God was the accomplishment along with salvation in Jesus Christ. When I left my family, I should have taken the roots and strength of God with me, but some how I took my own ability and strength and God was secondary. The Harris and Crawford’s are my strength along with the Nelms which are my mother's side of the family. My mother's mom had 11 siblings like my dad's mother and father had 11 siblings. Both families are a blessing along with other families that I am connected with today.

I am constantly grateful for my dad and mom because they are always ensuring that me and my family have what we need and are okay. They love their grandchildren, and it is a blessing to see their faces light up when they see their grandchildren.

I am grateful to the Solomon’s' through my sister Angela Solomon's union with Tim John Solomon and my nephew John. They are blessed to be a blessing which has been demonstrated in my life. They take the time to care for my mom and my family.

I am thankful to the union with the Brewer's (my first marriage) because my faith was elevated, and my daughter was born. She is a blessing to me and the Brewer's. I am grateful for the time I spent with them.

I am thankful to the union with the Jackson's (my current marriage) because I was redeemed by the Lord. I was promised a son, and I was blessed in this union. I was blessed with the promises that God showed me, and the husband that helped me to grow in the Lord. I am planted in good ground for God’s seeds to take root and flourish. The Jackson’s have been a blessing to ensure that Josiah is consistently cared for through their love and affection.

Tracy; Valerie; Dani

I also want to give a special thank you to the mothers of my three nephews Tracy, Valerie, and Dani. They are amazing and beautiful women. Thank you for being strong women of God. May God continue to bless you.

No matter what happens in life, God is always the source of my blessings. I just had to open my eyes and be grateful instead of complaining. It's easy to focus on the negative then it is to build yourself and others to God's standards. My family has been a blessing in many ways. They have said encouraging words that have touched my life. Everyone’s story touches someone’s life for uplifting the body of Christ. It’s our testimony that rises and gives a new birth to a people that have been lost, but now found.

#2 Religion Mountain

I thank God for Christianity because the teachings, the doctrine and the Gospels led me through the darkness back to God's Kingdom and his standards, structure and commandments for my life. This is the "Good News" that I have been searching for over 31 years. I have had my doubts and questions about Christianity along with other denominations, but God continued to turn my focus to Christianity and to stay in truth with the Baptist denomination rooted in Baptism. He said for me not to stray although I researched other religions, doctrines for educational purposes, I stayed obedient to the faith. All of them through my studies still led me back to the foundation of Christianity rooted in Jesus Christ. When I was born again by the spirit on January 14, 2013, my search ended because I saw the Kingdom of God. Religion is the foundation of salvation through faith and obedience. There is growth and development that only God could have watered through sound doctrine in Christianity.

I am grateful to the pastors, teachers, and congregations at Beulah Missionary Baptist Church, New Birth Missionary Baptist Church and Berean Christian Church for being my physical place of refuge within my 31 years of salvation. You were a lamp to my feet. The word fell on good ground for a harvest.

#3 Relationships Mountains

I thank God for the relationships I had whether they were good or bad because they were meant to mature my walk with God. All relationships taught me a lesson that I express in my book titled: “My Faith in the Cross through Salvation: the 2 keys that unlocked the Kingdom of God” which is set to be released in 2020. From the many relationships I had, the relationship with Christ was the most important because he guided me to the relationships that would help me birth the Kingdom vision within me.

I am grateful for my friends that helped me during the hardest part of my life from 2013 through 2019. My friends who told me the truth in love so I could mature and grow in Christ. They didn’t tell me what I wanted to hear. They told me the truth, and I had to swallow the sweet blue pill of lies or the bitter red pill of truth. I chose to swallow the red pill of truth. I chose to walk in the truth. I chose to not just talk about God but listen and do what he said. I chose not to listen to nay sayers because they couldn’t hear from God. I chose to clean up my act and fully serve God with my whole heart and not just give him part of me when I felt like it or attended church. I was convicted to publicly stop wearing tight, fitted, sexy clothes which includes workout clothes that only exposed my body and exposed lustful behaviors and comments from people. I chose to grow up and become a woman. I put away childish ways, thinking and behaviors because God was cleaning up my life.

#4 Job & #5 Education Mountains

I look at jobs like the book of JOB because I had to be patient in well doing because a job had the ability to provide or take away my security in life. But no matter what trials and tribulations occur because of the treatment on a job or the lost of a job, God was still with me in the fire. Therefore, when the doors closed from a job, I had to lean on God for my source not the system of job hunting. I have slaved in jobs as an employee for over 25 years with many part-time and full-time positions for 31 years with no stability or security for many reasons uncontrolled by myself. I have many talents, skills and abilities that should have landed me a secure job, but that didn't happen. I thought I could receive a government job and retire like my dad, but we are in different times. With my educational background, I thought I could land the job of my dreams, but that is not the truth. I struggled to get a job that would pay me a fraction of the $154,656.00 which I owe for student loans. As soon as I found a job that I made a career , I had reached my highest salary of $44,999. That salary came with a price as I was thriving until I was faced with injustice that was hidden in the spiritual realm which became my Goliath that I had to face. I was convicted to face the giant in the area of government leadership. Although I was dismissed from employment for facing the giant

4/20/2017 Court Cased Dismissed

, I followed all processes of systematic justice, but it was not found even after hiring a lawyer that specialized in discrimination. This was the decision that started my cross on earth and the reason why God and Christ intervened from heaven on 1/14/2013. I needed heavenly assistance, so I didn't act outside of my character. They intervened to uproot me, purge me, cleans me and prepare me for the Kingdom. I was not supposed to gain justice on the earth because it was God’s victory, and he is going to get the glory. I was only the vessel to distribute the information God had given me to EEO, EEOC, State and Federal Court. The courts judgement was to "dismissed with prejudice" my case on 4/20/2017 in Atlanta even after receiving the truth within the 400 pages of facts and evidence that was requested. I received nothing but written documents without equal justice under the law since 2013. Christ had to reveal the truth which was rooted in the spiritual realm. The fight was against the knowledge of God, but I was not without sin which is why the stone could not be throne. I had to be sanctified and purified before the Lord. What happened to me was truth, and only the spirit could have revealed the reason.

I was not able to complete my Doctoral program, but I gained the knowledge needed.
University of the Rockies

I was excited to graduate from high school to attend college, but I was faced with many awakening experiences to the truth that I explain in my testimony book. My education taught me to work in and for the system, and when I did my work according to what I learned in college I was belittled, reprimanded or told that is not how things work in the real world. I was told that I needed to stay in the box that was created for me. I was told we do not do everything from a training class because its apples and oranges. When I began to question poor management and leadership styles rooted in political gain and job security, I began to see the truth of why a job kept me bound so that I would not rock the boat or open a can of worms or bring attention to poor business practices. This is why the Employee Handbook has to be signed. It is the legal binding document that employers used to fire me "At Will" when they were faced with truth or discrimination. But when the straw broke the camels back in 2013, the floodgate of problems opened that I was able to see for the 7 years I was employed. The floodgate of heaven also opened. There is no law against poor business practices, but not following standards do lead to unlawful practices. I was fired when I expressed the truth based on the law, policies, procedures, training and the employee handbook. At any job, integrity, character, morals and ethics should be the first standards upheld with the law (this creates accountability and transparency); Second, knowledge and experience should be next; Third, experience based on the positions required job descriptions, education, skills and qualifications. Fourth, there should be systematic trust in platforms that use technology for decision making. Systems such as the job application process and the voting platform. Fifth, leaders in positions that uphold the standards of God. These are the standards that God has given to me. If the system or leaders choose not to uphold the standards of God through the law, then separation from the system is inevitable for the future.

Most companies know who they want in the next position which is unfair to people that are applying for jobs. The job is posted by law, but the leaders can do what they want with no accountability through systematic technology. It should not be political favors or who you know or nepotism or if management likes you or if you took a personality test or any other loop holes or grey areas, but since there is no accountability in organizational leadership they do and say what is pleasing at the time. This is not right nor does its uplift God’s standards of leadership which is why we have so many corrupt leaders. They do not think they are corrupt because they operate on the power of the law, their own standards surrounded by people who do not challenge their authority for fear of job loss. Its the leadership challenge that brings correction, growth and maturity in the organization through grievances and lawsuits, but somehow that is overlooked. We have no accountability, trust, or transparency within the system. Its quid pro quo, good old boy system that can’t grow with old management mindsets that are afraid of successors and rising stars unless they think like them and act like them. For example, it like people holding up the Jim Crow laws today in the spirit and they have been abolished physically. Therefore, I now understand why I did not keep a stable job. It was because I outgrew the job system spiritually which caused a physical manifestation of resignation, firing or dismissal. I gained the knowledge I needed, and it was time to move on to another lesson. When I was dismissed from jobs without a cause in 2013 and 2016, it was because I matured and the organization did not see me as a person of prominence, importance, status or influence any longer to manage their systems. I was treated like the poor man in the scripture James 2:1-4,

“My brethren, do not hold the faith of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Lord of glory, with partiality. For if there should come into your assembly a man with gold rings, in fine apparel, and there should also come in a poor man in filthy clothes, and you pay attention to the one wearing the fine clothes and say to him, “You sit here in a good place,” and say to the poor man, “You stand there,” or, “Sit here at my footstool,” have you not shown partiality among yourselves, and become judges with evil thoughts (NKJV)?

I had to realize that it was never about the people who released me, it was about God’s glory and his son Jesus Christ. I had to remove my emotions out of the way and submit to spirit and truth. When I exercised my rights in truth, I was told that I was like a cancer in my job infecting others. These were the words that were said to me from a public leader that I trusted. I was able to see the truth for myself by his words.

What I learned through my process is our labor and employment related issues are studied on our jobs so the system can fine tune the laws to keep us from exercising our God given rights. This is another reason why laws must be challenged as a whole through voting and the legislature process because they are being passed to effect the character and decisions of God’s people. We must view the law that is passed for current and future effects, but when we are focused on the problems and emotions surrounding our lives we lose sight of the true focus and become distracted away from laws that are being passed underneath our nose. Then later we wonder, what happened. Wake up! Now I understand the root to my problem, but I did not understand it until I had to be isolated without a sustainable job for 5 years to see what God was telling me. This is what the scripture meant about repent and turn. I had to repent from depending on the system which were my 8 mountains to save me and rely on Jesus Christ to provide me with the Holy Spirit that will guide me through the hardships and pandemics experienced in America. God was telling me before today that my 2013 Goliath was for me to repent and turn to him because I could not serve two masters. I had to choose whom I would serve, so doors closed for me to keep my focus on God. I finally accepted God’s call, and I did not return to work after my son was born to be a stay home mom and to birth and write God’s vision in 2018. This is another reason why my husband became the physical provider while using his job as a resource for what we needed as a family. Yes, we struggled, but it was on purpose for the glory of God. God is good and I had to trust his steps these past seven years. God was right. His word doesn't return to him void. My mind could not be focused on a job and his vision. It would have been impossible. The spirit flows at any time, and when I am bound by a job, leader, anything or anyone it hinders the flow of the spirit. It blocks God. Therefore, I was glad that I was afflicted. I was flowing in my gift of leadership heavily and when I crossed the wrong path and began to ask questions about hiring, management and leadership, I was blocked and told to stay in my place. I was criticized, belittled and told by a leader that I should be happy to have a job.

I am grateful for the good and bad that happened on my jobs because without the bad I didn’t grow in the Lord. I am also grateful to the jobs for hiring me because it was obvious that I had the qualification and knowledge in the area they were seeking. I gained the necessary skills, experiences that was needed for the organization’s growth along with mine. I am thankful for my co-workers, managers, the employees that I managed, my friends and everyone who has ever given me an encouraging word.

May God continue to bless you. I am especially grateful to the people at Sevananda Natural Food Market who hired me to be a Wellness Clerk. I loved the job. While I was working in 2017, I even saw 1 out of the 3 of my managers in the store that actually dismissed me from employment on 9/12/2013. When I saw her, the Holy Spirit said, go and speak and huge her. I was obedient. I hugged her and said hello. I had not seen her since my unemployment appeal trials in November of 2013. We talked for a little while, and she continued shopping. It was really good to see her. She received my hug and she was very nice. The end of the day, the Holy Spirit said that if I wasn't obedient and still had any pain in my heart when I saw her, I would not have moved to the next level in God. It was clear in my mind that day when I saw her that my heart had forgiven her for what she allowed me to experience in 2013. My Goliath changed my heart and turned me to Christ for deliverance. Sevananda was the placed I received that deliverance. I met so many people at Sevananda that were committed to being healthy. My manager ensured that our baby shower celebration was memorable for Josiah. They hosted a beautiful baby shower that Brian and I were grateful for the love. I also want to thank Kim for being a blessing to me during my time of employment, and hiring me for the position. I gained a wealth of knowledge that confirmed my path in Health, Nutrition and Wellness.

#6 Financial Mountain

God stripped me down to nothing after I was released from my jobs. He said I will give you the ability to get wealth in the effort to pay your $177,312.89 debts and serve me. So, as I have been walking in my in-between and my turnaround to work for the Lord, he has taken my skills, talents, education and ability so I can used my gifts that Christ has given me for the Kingdom of God. Glory to God. Everything works together for my good because I love the lord, and I am called for his purpose.

I am thankful for my financial struggles because they were teaching me lessons to share with the next generation as it relates to wise decisions when obtaining and maintaining credit, credit score, savings, retirement, and using money as a resource to fund the Kingdom of God. When I started to pursue the Kingdom, then all the things I needed were added. If I would have listened to wisdom and made wise decisions about purchases when I graduated from high school, I would not have a total debt today of $177,312.89 with no assets if I would have listened to God’s laws and commandments.

#7 Marriage Mountain

I am grateful for marriage because it is the platform for God’s glory to be seen on the earth. Marriage is a divine unit for two to flow as one in the image of God. I was awakened in my first marriage and redeemed and guided in my current marriage. I can flow in the word of God without hindrance and blockage for myself and my family. God gives me my daily bread like he gave manna to the children of Israel in their wilderness. I am in constant process daily to continue to be who God ordained on earth as in heaven.

#8 Health Mountain

My health battles led me to increasing my faith in the Lord because by his strips I am healed. The incurable cancer that I was diagnosed with on 11/11/2005 will not end in death, but it was for the glorification of God. I went through many other health concerns in 2018 & 2019, and the weapons formed but they did not prosper. Praise God.

I am very grateful for the doctors, nurses and staff at Piedmont Hospital, Emory Hospital, the Winship Cancer Center and MD Anderson for helping me during my testing, diagnosis and 10 year treatment plan. I also appreciate the doctors that delivered my children. God has blessed all the hospitals with the knowledge, equipment and tools needed to help his people.

I am grateful to the fitness clients and competitors that I worked with during the fitness shows in 2009 – 2014. Thank you to fitness trainers, coaches, promoters, competitors, and fitness models that were encouraged me and motivated me to stay fit.

I am very grateful to my nutrition class participants who were so faithful to my class since 2/22/2017. They were the most inspiring people that changed my life and helped me to grow in the Lord. I am grateful to each of them for caring, preparing nutritional meals, birthday celebrations and our baby shower celebration.

God has forgiven me of my sins, debt and he has restored me back to the Kingdom to serve Jesus Christ. I am no longer in temptation because he has delivered me from evil by his power and Glory forever. Amen

I have listed a few scriptures and songs that have inspired me during my scriptures. I have also created playlists on my YouTube Channel at BEvolution LLC.


Hebrews 11:6 "And it is impossible to please God without faith. Anyone who wants to come to him must believe that God exists and that he rewards those who sincerely seek him" (NLT).

Romans 12:2 "Do not conform to the pattern of this world,but be transformed by the renewing of your mind.Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is—his good, pleasing and perfect will" (NIV).

Revelation 12:11 "And they overcame him by the blood of the Lamb and by the word of their testimony, and they did not love their lives to the death" (NKJV).

Matthew 21:21 "So Jesus answered and said to them, “Assuredly, I say to you, if you have faith and do not doubt, you will not only do what was done to the fig tree, but also if you say to this mountain, ‘Be removed and be cast into the sea,’ it will be done" (NKJV).

Romans 12:1 "I beseech you therefore, brethren, by the mercies of God, that you present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable to God,which isyour reasonable service" (NKJV).


"Stairway to Heaven" by the O'jays:

"Let It Rain" by Bishop Paul S. Morton & The FGBCF Mass Choir:

"God is trying to tell you something" from the movie Color Purple:

"You are my strength" by William Murphy:


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