It may be spring, but as of today I am entering a season of harvest like the trees are entering a season of blossoming and the butterflies are spreading their wings. My life is in tune with the seasons according to the spirit of God. I have come out of a season of planting and uprooting destructive behaviors. The spirit has cleansed me of destructive ways that were derailing and sabotaging my character, growth and development with the Lord. The spirit searched all things in me to root out the areas that were not like God or Christ. Unless a grain of wheat falls to the ground and dies, it remains alone. My old life died on September 12, 2013. It was buried, and now the spirit of the Lord has given me new life that is beginning to manifest as of April 23, 2020. God used everything to get my attention for my 7 year season to shift.
Questions that God answered for me as I shift into the Kingdom.
1. Who is in your life for a reason?
2. Who is in your life for a season?
3. Who is getting you closer to your destiny that elevates the Kingdom of God?
4. Who is blocking your blessings?
5. Who is blessing you?
6. What areas need growth and development in your life?
7. What mountains do you continue to circle?
8. Who are you in God’s Kingdom?